Georgia Downtown Association Holds Annual Planning Retreat

The GDA board reviewed the organization’s accomplishments as well as the GDA Membership Survey that was completed in 2012 at the Georgia Downtown Conference held in LaGrange, Georgia. The association’s goals for the year were determined at the planning session. After the planning retreat was adjourned, members immediately convened their quarterly board meeting. Committee chairs presented reports based on the 2013 work plan. Committees include: Training, Conference, Awards, Legislative, Professional Development, Membership, Mentoring Program, Scholarship Program and Marketing Committees. 2013 Georgia Downtown Association Board Officers are Connie Tabor (Toccoa), President; Tommy Lowman (Blackshear) Vice President; Josephine Kelly (Covington) Treasurer; and Past President; Billy Peppers. Board Members attend the planning retreat annually. The next quarterly GDA Board meeting will be held in downtown Atlanta at the Georgia Municipal Association building on May 7, 2013. The state annual conference is scheduled in Savannah on August 14-16, 2013. For further information on the Georgia Downtown Association, visit their website at