Doing Business Downtown
Dahlonega was designated as a Better Hometown city in the class of 2000. With the population increase in 2011, the program graduated to Main Street status. The City is internationally known for its historical and architectural resources. Because those resources have been protected and promoted, Downtown Dahlonega is widely recognized as a major economic engine of North Georgia. It is home to 100 businesses located in 60 commercial buildings. Viewed as a whole, it is one of the region’s largest industries with more than 400 employees. Economic activity in Downtown Dahlonega averages more than $300 million dollars a year.
Between 2006-2010 there was 40 million dollars of private and public investment in Downtown Dahlonega. Even during a recession, stakeholders and investors continued to see a bright future in downtown Dahlonega’s economy.
Refer to the links below for “Doing Business Downtown” resources.