Partnerships & Shopping Campaigns

In 2011, five agencies partnered to launch a local shopping campaign to help cash registers ring during the slower winter months. The “Shop Your Dahlonega” campaign was sucessfully produced by the Chamber of Commerce, the Dahlonega Merchants Association, the Dahlonega Nugget, radio station 104.3 FM, and the Downtown Development Authority. This group worked together again in November to promote the “Small Business Saturday” shopping campaign, also with excellent results. We commend these partners for encouraging local residents to shop with local businesses. These are our year round customers who are so critical to business success.
Two years ago the Dahlonega Merchants Association proposed a project partnership with the Downtown Development Authority. The Merchants’ excellent idea was to lead visitors from county destinations such as wineries and lodging back into downtown for shopping and dining. The Merchants and DDA shared the costs of placing nine directional signs around the county through the Chamber of Commerce’s directional sign program. For their fine idea of intercepting shoppers, and for their funding commitment, we commend the Dahlonega Merchants Association.