Market Data
Bleakly Advisory Group, as part of the consulting team led by Urban Collage, Inc, prepared a market study for downtown Dahlonega that was a key element in creating the Downtown Master Plan. As we begin to emerge from the most severe effects of the recession, the Dahlonega Downtown Development Authority requested an update of the original market study.
In 2011 we updated the following sections of the original 2007 market study based on the latest available information:
• Retail sales in Dahlonega and the County
• Retail Challenges and Opportunities-from interviews with merchants
• Tourism Trends
• The Student Population
• Key Retail, Business, Retail and Tourism Issues and Trends
• Current and Future Real Estate Market Assessment
To prepare the market study update, we collected data and information from a number of sources:
• National data and demographic sources
• Data and reports from local agencies
• Interviews with local merchants and real estate professionals
• Site visits
• GIS mapping and aerial photography